WebSDR logbook - note that entries can be made by anyone so correctness is not guaranteed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date UTC freq call comments dxcc country heard by -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20190903 21:05 144338.0 G4CLA in IO92JL now serial number 181 ! G England ::ffff: 20190903 21:17 144373.7 G4RUL/P in JO00DR serial number now 136 G England ::ffff: 20190903 21:23 144217.2 G3TBK/P in IO93RA serial number now 136 G England ::ffff: 20190903 21:29 144191.6 G3PYE/P in JO02CE serial now 080 G England ::ffff: 20191226 00:05 144409.0 f5zsf 2m beacon just audible ! F France G0xbu 20191226 00:09 145700.0 gb3va IO91LT Aylesbury repeater G England G0xbu 20191229 11:36 145303.0 G0BIN G England ::ffff: 20200101 17:47 144482.0 gb3ngi northern ireland 2m beacon! G England G0xbu 20200202 12:17 144174.0 PD7WL ! PA Netherlands Joe 20200202 12:18 144174.0 GM0HLV ! GM Scotland Joe 20200205 17:11 144174.0 MW1CFN ! GW Wales Joe 20200205 17:52 144173.5 GD3YEO ! GD Isle of Man Joe 20200205 19:37 144174.0 F5BZU F France Joe 20200206 11:19 144174.0 DK2AM ! DL Germany Joe 20200206 11:19 144174.0 GI6ATZ ! GI Northern Ireland Joe 20200206 12:24 144174.0 F5CBU F France Joe 20200206 12:24 144174.0 DK2EA 1,022 km DL Germany Joe 20200206 16:57 144174.0 OZ1CCM ! OZ Denmark Joe 20200206 16:58 144174.0 ON4AHS ! ON Belgium Joe 20200206 16:59 144174.0 EI3KD ! EI Ireland Joe 20200318 12:26 144330.0 g6oes coventry G England g0xbu 20200407 18:08 145349.5 G6DFD G England ::ffff: 20200407 18:15 145350.5 G0RMG CQ Contest G England ::ffff: 20200407 18:23 145351.2 M0XAC G England ::ffff: 20200407 18:46 145350.5 G0MRG G England ::ffff: 20200413 14:25 144300.0 g1vuq G England 2E0POE 20200505 16:19 145337.2 M0OHA 59 G England ::ffff: 20200505 16:30 145400.0 G4ROR 59 G England ::ffff: 20200505 16:38 145475.0 M7EDZ 59 G England ::ffff: 20200520 19:41 145350.0 G8TA Wolverhampton ARS net G England M0YDH 20200606 13:38 145374.9 MX0PPC CRAC G England G4JDC 20200719 16:26 145500.0 mw1hax sota gw1/nw027 GW Wales ::ffff: 20200721 16:12 145575.0 G7KMW RS : 59 G England M7TJN 20200721 16:51 145687.4 GW1MNC RS: 49 GW Wales M7TJN 20200721 18:43 145500.0 M7AWH RS: 48 Calling CQ no responses G England M7TJN 20200721 19:34 145400.0 GW7HEM/P RS 59 - Collecting SOTA Points o GW Wales M7TJN 20200904 07:42 145474.9 g4wod lot stronger on my base G England ::ffff: 20200904 08:11 145475.2 m0prj G England ::ffff: 20201011 10:38 145790.0 oh2euu peter 11,31 145.790 my name ken 2e0t 2e0tvp plymouth devon 20201011 10:41 145790.0 g0ceg peter 145.790 5 9 + good audio he wa 2e0tvp plymouth devon 20201015 14:52 145404.0 M0GWO/M G England ::ffff: 20201016 17:52 145287.5 g4pep mw7moz 2 good audio from these 3 stat 2e0tvp plymouth devon 20201111 21:04 145500.0 mobile/Android mobile/Android سوريا 20201213 11:48 145338.0 145338.00 ::ffff: 20201213 11:50 433521.1 433523.00 ::ffff: 20201213 11:53 433150.0 433150.00 ::ffff: 20201213 11:54 433025.0 433025.00 Good reception ::ffff: 20201213 12:26 145450.8 145450.75 good reception ::ffff: 20201213 12:30 145452.8 145452.75 Good reception ::ffff: 20201213 12:32 145414.8 145414.75 Good Reception ::ffff: 20201213 12:42 145450.0 145450.00 Good Reception in Telford ::ffff: 20201213 14:26 145738.0 145738.00 Good Reception in Telford ::ffff: 20210107 17:18 144650.2 G1MZT G England ::ffff: 20210706 11:02 14024.2 S5230F 14024 khz Alias S52F ! S5 Slovenia EA4BNS 20210711 18:16 430262.5 GB7RO Cracking signal ! G England M0XDR 20210713 08:07 70013.0 ei4rf ! EI Ireland gm4zmk 20210713 08:08 70020.0 gb3ang ! G England gm4zmk 20210713 08:09 69997.5 gb3bux G England gm4zmk 20210715 14:36 70154.0 SP9AHW ! SP Poland ::ffff: 20211005 12:11 145714.0 Vk5ACX ! VK Australia ::ffff: 20211031 23:24 145326.6 G7RXY stream of bad language G England ::ffff: 20211106 14:32 144962.5 m7bzu G England ::ffff: 20211115 19:47 144966.2 m7rtb G England ::ffff: 20211115 20:03 145450.0 gw0emb GW Wales ::ffff: 20211115 20:11 145450.0 2w0jyn GW Wales ::ffff: 20211115 20:26 145500.0 2w0jyn hint of crackle in signal GW Wales ::ffff: 20211117 19:37 144964.0 mx0wnn clear 59 G England ::ffff: 20211117 19:38 144964.0 mm6mrq GM Scotland ::ffff: 20211117 19:39 144964.0 m0wcw G England ::ffff: 20211128 14:21 50280.0 SM4KYN 13:46 50.280 MSK144 ! SM Sweden Joe 20211128 14:21 50280.0 F8ZW 13:47 50.280 MSK144 ! F France Joe 20211128 16:07 50280.0 S57RR 15:54 MSK144 ! S5 Slovenia Joe 20211212 20:24 145500.0 on6ls ON Belgium ::ffff: 20211215 18:35 433075.0 433075.00 loud and clear into the UK THE CHIEF 20211226 15:48 50152.5 G6LJC ! G England ::ffff: 20220106 21:13 144300.1 G4DEE CQ SSB 144.300mhz CQ SSB WeeMan 20220106 21:13 144300.1 G4MCU QSO with G4DEE QSY 144.270mhz G England WeeMan 20220117 19:28 145522.0 G7lhk Hes a pedo Nb1 20220118 11:13 436899.8 LU4WAC ! LU Argentina ::ffff: 20220203 18:43 156800.0 i5rdf congratulation ! I Italy ::ffff: 20220205 22:48 433070.2 M0OBW Discussion for Foundation Exam G England ::ffff: 20220216 18:16 436797.5 yv6ae AO-27 satellite RX 436.795 Ther ! YV Venezuela YV6AE 20220216 18:18 436797.6 yv6ae 73DX ALL YV Venezuela YV6AE 20220218 17:16 437800.0 YB2CTE ! YB Indonesia ::ffff: 20220220 03:48 50422.6 XZ1002SWL Can't use 437 band ! XZ Myanmar XZ1002SWL 20220220 07:16 437800.0 ik4uxa ! I Italy ::ffff: 20220220 08:20 437800.0 . ::ffff: 20220220 09:28 437799.6 Ta1bm ! TA Turkey ::ffff: 20220220 09:43 437800.0 TA1BM TA Turkey ::ffff: 20220302 13:57 145451.0 gb20 5/9 mk04 somerset DAVID MK04 DAVID SW/UK 20220304 12:14 430850.2 GB3FC BLACKPOOL G England WeeMan 20220305 16:26 430121.5 G8XVJ/P CQ CONTEST G England WeeMan 20220306 12:22 145690.0 G1UEG 9/5 VERY GOOD G England MK04 DAVID SW/UK 20220306 22:35 433075.0 KB2FA MK04 SW/UK DAVID ON PC ! K United States MK04 DAVID SW/UK 20220307 04:58 145547.2 gvx2b G England ATNGO 20220307 05:07 433078.0 vk6nad ! VK Australia ATNGO 20220307 06:28 144962.5 3TOM ! BY China ???? 20220307 06:31 144962.5 VY1MG0 ! VE Canada ???? 20220311 10:44 145451.0 M60RW X MK04 SW UK 5/9 ON MY PC MK04 DAVID SW/UK 20220312 11:45 145426.0 GW4TJ4 MK04 5/9 DAVID ON PC IN SOMERSET MK04 DAVID SW/UK 20220314 10:05 145485.0 ea7esg 2m ! EA Spain ::ffff: 20220424 13:12 145639.1 F4EAN F France ::ffff: 20220427 10:54 144730.0 f1 ::ffff: 20220429 01:13 157916.0 Graves Radar ::ffff: 20220503 18:28 144538.6 G0KUYP G England ::ffff: 20220503 18:38 144562.9 M1EYP G England ::ffff: 20220503 18:44 144625.2 G0UXC R5 G England ::ffff: 20220518 10:52 50144.9 S51W Slovenia S5 Slovenia ::ffff: 20220520 13:19 144962.5 G1GDB MK04 SW UK 9AND5 MK04 DAVID SW/UK 20220524 08:55 50313.0 mobile1 G England ::ffff: 20220601 20:43 50155.0 vo1ch ! VE Canada m0hom 20220601 20:48 50120.0 vo1six VE Canada m0hom 20220605 05:09 50313.0 .. .. ::ffff: 20220605 11:16 50132.2 HA6KVC ! HA Hungary ::ffff: 20220607 06:05 50313.0 HB9CQL cq ft8 50313 ! HB Switzerland CN8YZ 20220610 15:56 433150.0 pd0pdd ! PA Netherlands ::ffff: 20220612 07:41 50312.0 .. ::ffff: 20220612 07:43 50312.0 ... ::ffff: 20220613 19:26 50035.5 CS5BALG Beacon ! CT Portugal ::ffff: 20220617 19:14 50125.0 IZ5EME Peaking between S4 & S7 - Sp E ! I Italy ::ffff: 20220623 15:31 145500.0 .. test G0xbu 20220623 15:40 145500.0 .. test2 G0xbu 20220623 15:41 145500.0 .. test3 G0xbu 20220623 15:43 145500.0 .. test4 G0xbu 20220623 15:51 145500.0 .. test5 G0xbu 20220626 11:45 50130.1 SP6QEP Mariusz, peaking 56 JN90CK 100W ! SP Poland ::ffff: 20220626 11:47 50130.1 SP6KEP Mariusz (Correct callsign) SP Poland ::ffff: 20220626 19:57 446006.0 bill the man 2E0ICE 20220707 14:34 50120.0 VO1FOG Larry, peaking 55 GN locator VE Canada ::ffff: 20220708 18:05 50160.0 OZ2SYV JO54RS ! OZ Denmark ::ffff: 20220709 12:18 50134.9 I2JPA Peaking S7 calling CQ I Italy ::ffff: 20220709 12:21 50134.9 I2PJA Corrected callsign I Italy ::ffff: 20220710 12:24 50187.0 EA7KI contest station QSB peaking 55 ! EA Spain ::ffff: 20220710 14:10 446055.1 26KY301 31.1 miles away from jodrell dis ::ffff: 20220711 13:06 50159.1 IK5PWJ Alex, JN53ES Italy peak 58 I Italy ::ffff: 20220711 13:17 50145.8 I0SNU JN62CJ peaking 55 I Italy ::ffff: 20220711 16:16 50179.9 SP5IDR KO01TV peaking 56 SP Poland ::ffff: 20220801 20:13 50476.8 IZ3GWJ/B I Italy G0xbu 20220826 08:02 145550.0 145550 OM, Muscat Imran Malik 20220902 05:05 119402.0 119.402 OK Marsupilami80f 20220902 05:06 119404.0 119.400 OK Marsupilami80f 20220902 07:33 119400.0 119.400 Très bonne réception Marsupilami80f 20221212 15:00 119565.0 orion 05 rosenheim orion 05 20230102 14:52 145450.1 G46K general natter G England ::ffff: 20230103 20:22 144237.0 G0BXU Strong, of course ;) Good luke. G England F1UBL 20230117 09:14 50313.0 G4EII FT8 CQ ::ffff: 20230129 11:43 145474.8 MW0OWV/P SOTA GW Wales M7UAS 20230204 18:51 433932.4 Cok hed Lovely fella really funny ::ffff: 20230219 12:37 145349.5 M0XMX/P SOTA Bardon Hill 50w - Youtube c G England M7UAS 20230219 12:40 145349.5 2E0BIA/P SOTA Shining Tor 2 Bardon Hill G England M7UAS 20230219 12:43 145350.0 M0SGB North Manchester G England M7UAS 20230306 14:10 145287.8 K3TEL From Baltimore, MD on Baofeng vi ! K United States ::ffff: 20230317 23:49 118624.5 118.630 ::ffff: 20230317 23:52 118575.0 118.630 night ::ffff: 20230402 20:30 144050.0 g4wps calling cq CW 144.050 G England Tħe Ẃāţćĥēŕ 20230409 12:01 50406.5 GB3MBA UK meteor beacon in Mansfield G England G3OVH 20230416 16:17 433150.1 g4zwh 5x9 G England g0unt 20230416 17:04 145500.0 g0xbu G England ::ffff: 20230510 00:48 144962.5 kl7fr ! KL Alaska ::ffff: 20230510 17:04 118576.0 p4pv ! P4 Aruba ::ffff: 20230802 21:20 145324.0 G0ccr G England Tiny 20230805 21:35 144962.5 MB7IUK Gateway Really amazing audio quality IV3NFC 20230813 12:22 145474.8 2 whiskey 0 great audio quality of two guys StookLe 20230813 12:28 145712.0 N/A morse code StookLe 20230826 15:49 430825.0 gd5mup 430825 ! GD Isle of Man ::ffff: 20230924 09:43 145525.0 GB2RS G England ::ffff: 20231004 20:02 145425.0 hello is anybo WB128 20231013 18:43 121850.0 7juy Nice RX ! JA Japan PL,Warsaw 20231022 06:48 145748.5 145758.50 Goverment? GB,Bedworth 20231112 19:24 433074.0 N6AS 7/8 K United States GB,Coalville 20231112 19:27 433074.0 N6GIE 7/8 K United States GB,Coalville 20231112 19:51 433075.0 KL7FR 5/7 ! KL Alaska GB,Coalville 20231112 20:18 446070.0 MAX on PMR446 Loud/Clear - Steff in sale GB,Sale 20231202 01:57 120007.2 Nothing Fuck all GB 20231203 22:02 145299.6 Guys Chatting Not really sure, first time l GB,Stoke-on-Trent 20240106 15:06 430913.0 GB3EG G England GB,Notts 20240115 21:32 145688.0 GB7WI 59 G England IE2047 20240115 21:34 145688.0 G0XBU G England IE2047 20240115 22:27 145302.0 GW6XYE GW Wales IE2047 20240205 13:23 430912.5 gbe3 G England GB,Plymouth 20240217 09:40 145474.0 145474.00 GB,Notts 20240306 16:03 145575.0 GW4OKT GW Wales GB,Cricklewood 20240328 15:37 118625.0 EZY729 ! EZ Turkmenistan G8WWC 20240401 17:12 145687.0 M6DBP G England M7SFP 20240403 13:14 145375.0 M0JYP SRS Wednesday afternoon net G England G0RXA 20240419 22:59 145500.0 GM0UUB Hi from MichaelEI2067 GM Scotland IE,Dublin 20240419 23:37 145500.0 N1JEM Hi from MichaelEI2067 SWL K United States IE,Dublin 20240502 02:12 144962.5 MB71ZZ How there are people from US on G England SA,Riyadh 20240513 18:20 145500.0 M7OSX Can hear me, 25m, slim-jim, Ches G England M7OSX 20240516 16:05 145685.0 m7oth G England AndyC 20240529 22:12 145688.8 M7UFX Hi from Michael Conroy G England EI2067 20240601 21:25 430825.0 Ie2047 I Italy EI2067 20240702 15:21 121350.0 manchester dir GB,Banwell 20240821 20:49 144320.0 N0CALL LIDS K United States 2E0INV 20240910 15:23 433175.0 M0KNJ G England GB,London 20240910 17:11 433076.0 VA3JYE ! VE Canada IM,Douglas 20240910 17:15 433073.5 K5CAP K United States IM,Douglas 20240910 17:23 430824.2 M0JVC G England IM,Douglas 20240910 17:24 430824.2 M0CZU G England IM,Douglas 20240910 17:24 430824.2 M0JBC G England IM,Douglas 20240910 17:47 145688.0 GB7HN G England IM,Douglas 20240910 17:48 145688.0 2E0LRV G England IM,Douglas 20240910 17:48 145688.0 MB7IAG G England IM,Douglas 20240910 17:52 145686.0 MB7IAG G England IM,Douglas 20240910 17:55 145686.0 M6SDR G England IM,Douglas 20240910 20:58 433150.0 G7WBX G England IM,Douglas 20240910 21:00 433150.0 G7RPG G England IM,Douglas 20240910 21:07 433150.0 M6LFC G England IM,Douglas 20240914 13:33 145688.0 7X2GK Hello all, 73 de 7x2GK ! 7X Algeria DZ,Blida 20240916 10:14 145690.0 6MIL ! HL South Korea GB,Manchester 20240916 10:15 145690.0 VK6MIL Perth Australia VK Australia GB,Manchester 20240924 11:11 433150.0 hobby talk oz8era 20241026 11:53 145500.0 GB4BCW G England M0GCP 20241116 18:26 145800.0 ISS M0GCP 20241119 22:14 145687.5 2E0OFT In QSO with 2E0SLX I think it is G England ::ffff: